Fixed Income Leaders Summit
06-08.11.2019, Amsterdam
WBR organizes its 5th edition of the ’Fixed Income Leaders Summit Europe’ in Amsterdam on November 6-8, 2018
The conference, especially designed for the buyside, will deal with topics such as new frontiers in FICC, thriving in a data-driven market, characteristics of a modern-day trading desk, the top 5 investments trends in the 2019 fixed income market. Attendees will benefit from the interactive elements of the event such as roundtable discussions, workshops and live debates. It will bring together over 400 most influential regulators, heads of fixed income trading and portfolio management and represent a unique learning and networking opportunity.
Banca IMI is Sponsor and will be present in the exhibitory area.
Gherardo Lenti Capoduri, Head of Market Hub in Banca IMI, will participate to the panel:
In conversation with the Buy & Sell Side: Assessing the post MiFID II landscape. What have been the intended and unintended consequences of implementation and how can you turn the remaining regulatory challenges into business opportunities?
Please visit the event website.