Market Hub PIT - Fixed Income
Access to fixed income market liquidity, through the Market Hub PIT desk, provides an innovative solution for agency brokerage on European markets, reducing the complexity associated with the search for multiple counterparties and trading protocols.
The Market Hub PIT desk deals with the entire execution process on fixed income instruments and finds the best execution among different liquidity venues:
- Regulated markets
- MTFs
- Intesa Sanpaolo Systematic Internaliser
- Other liquidity venues
Execution through Market Hub PIT enhances clients' fixed income transactions, thanks to:
- Access to prices provided by over 60 market makers through institutional platforms (Bloomberg, Tradeweb and Bondvision)
- Competitive pricing and trading of illiquid securities
- High-touch approach and tailor-made services for individual orders
- Pre-trade, trade and post-trade support
- Participation in primary markets on the main bond issues
Market Hub provides access to the following European listed fixed income markets:
- EuroTLX Bondx
- Euronext Bonds
- German Regional Exchanges
- SIX Bonds